How to match colors of clothing and accessories

How to match colors of clothing and accessories

Doyou know how to match colors of clothes and accessories? Are you lost among somany possibilities and looking for help? You are in the right place! Colormatching plays a very important role when choosing and wearing clothes, as itadds individuality and style to your closet. Men's fashion has long been on parwith that of the opposite sex and offers a wide variety of colors, styles andshapes. To help men and their wives, we have put together some examples, sothat you can learn how to match the colors of the appropriate outfits for everyoccasion.

The right combination of colors is one of the main components of a perfect look and stylish design. You can't put certain colors together with others, because, not only will it look bad aesthetically, but you may even look ridiculous, depending on the situation and the place you are in. Men, in general, do not dress well (in the eyes of women), but it is because no one has bothered to teach us to combine colors, textures, etc.. It's about time to do your part and learn something about this subject.

Precisely for this reason we have decided to share with you a guide that will help you not to make mistakes when choosing and combining the colors of clothing (you can even transfer it to many other things). Therefore, you will be able to see, step by step, what you have to do to choose the colors and how they match each other. The idea is that you will have a useful and easy to understand guide that you can use both for going out to a party and going to a wedding.

Schemes and types of common color combinations

In the world of fashion, the color scheme is the variety of possible colors used in clothing and accessories. These schemes, which are primarily based on the color wheel, are used to create attraction and style (these color combinations, when used together, produce a sense of beauty to the human eye). A basic color scheme will use two colors that look good together. It is essential that you learn how to combine colors as it will allow you to look your best in your outfits. Anyway, although this guide is aimed at fashion, you can also apply it to many other things, whether it's home decoration or graphic and web design. This is the right way to combine colors:

How to combine colors according to their type

The chromatic circle, color circle or chromatic wheel is a graphic representation of the harmonic relationship and contrast between primary, secondary and tertiary colors. Although there are several types of chromatic circles that represent the different colors of the palette, the color theory of the graphic arts uses the CMY model (Cyan, Magenta and Yellow) in which the three primary colors predominate (from which the colors that make up the rest of the gamut are derived). Thanks to this wheel, the most important color combinations (according to their type) are obtained. Let me explain it in parts:

Primary colors

The primary colors are the main colors of the circle and are located equidistantly. They are called primary colors because they cannot be obtained by mixing any other color and most of the other colors are obtained by mixing these three. The colors that make it up are red (magenta), yellow (yellow) and blue (cyan). These are the most basic colors that exist and the combination of these colors creates the remaining colors of the chromatic circle.

Secondary colors

Secondary colors are perceptual shades of color, which are obtained by mixing the unequal parts of the primary colors (2 by 2). The colors that make it up are orange (the sum of red plus yellow), green (resulting from yellow and blue) and violet (the sum of blue and red) and are an idealized model, fully dependent on the source that represents the color, the nature of the material that generates it and the subjective characteristics of the visual and auditory perception of the authors.

Tertiary colors

Tertiary colors are the result of the combination of a primary and a secondary color. Such mixtures result in violet red, orange yellow, greenish blue, greenish yellow, greenish yellow, orange red, among others. The colors that make it up are yellow orange, red orange, red violet, blue violet, blue green and yellow green. These form a really interesting variety of colors since it is very wide, besides that they form most of the colors found in nature (although they are based on few combinations I can affirm that they are practically infinite).

How to combine colors according to their relationship

As you will understand now, there are several ways to combine different colors, although in this case I will teach you how to do it according to their relationship, you can also do it according to their properties. Colors are related to each other, that is, if we use a certain range of colors these combinations allow you to use another range of colors that make your outfits do not lose aesthetics and look better. Knowing the different color combinations is essential when wearing any garment or accessory, as it will allow you, in a very simple way and following some basic rules to combine colors, to keep it as aesthetic as possible. These are the color combinations according to their relationship:

Complementary color combination (opposite colors)

Complementary, additional or contrasting colors are those that are located on opposite sides of the Itten color wheel. Their combination looks very lively and full of energy, especially if they are combined with colors of saturated tones. These colors are widely used in advertising, because of the high contrast they produce, resulting in a call to action. Therefore, the use of these color ranges can be a good element if you are looking to attract attention (they are not good colors to go unnoticed).

Separate Complementary Color Scheme (close colors)

This is a variation of the complementary color scheme but, instead of the opposite color, the two colors next to it are used. This scheme is applied for a base color and two additional colors. The scheme looks almost as contrasting as it does tense. If you are not sure you can use the complementary scheme well, use the complementary scheme separately.

Triad Color Scheme (3 colors)

Triad color scheme deals with the combination of 3 colors that are placed at the same distance from each other. Such a color scheme provides high contrast without interfering with harmony. This type of combination maintains the contrast of complementary color schemes, while imprinting the harmony that these colors lack. It is best in the use of this combination to take a dominant color that is used to a greater extent than the other colors, as these colors impart strength and vibrant contrast.

Analogous color scheme (between 2 and 5 colors)

Analogous colors are the combination of 2 to 5 colors located next to each other on the color wheel (ideally, 2 to 3 colors should be combined at the same time). They are the neighboring colors of the chromatic circle which have a common color as a denominator if red is taken as the dominant color, being able to form a scheme of analogous colors with the other three correlative in the chromatic circle represented in the watercolor by the lacquer of a primary color but it does not matter that but the color, purple and violet. Analogous colors are also similar to tertiary colors, because they are combined between primaries and secondaries that form the analogous colors on the color wheel. For example, yellow orange, yellow, yellow-green, green and blue-green.

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